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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Dum Mar 20, 2011 11:55 pm

Ieri seara cand eram in toi cu pregatirile pt Evenimentul de Adoptii, am dat peste un biet motanel de 3 luni lovit de masina si lasat acolo...
Nu se putea misca din loc si tremura necontrolat, era deja in soc, incostient si plin de sange la botic. Noaptea care a trecut a fost critica pt el, avea 50% sanse sa scape cu viata. La doctor s-a facut tot posibilul, uramand ca cei 50% sa vina din partea lui, si spre fericirea mea el a fost destul de puternic sa treaca peste noaptea critica. Acum vor vor urma muuuuulte zile de tratament si probabil operatii pt ca are maxilarul rupt in 3 locuri si nu se poate hrani decat cu lichid Sad , are 2 coaste rupte si nasucul rupt intr-o parte, o problema la piciorusul drept din spate(nu e rupt, dar nu il misca) si vom mai vedea pe parcus daca sunt si alte probleme.

Yesterday when we were in the middle of preparations for Adoption event, we found this poor 3 montts old Tomcat hit by car and left there....
He could not move from place and shaking uncontrollably, was already in shock, and full of blood on his mouth. Last night that was critical for him, had a 50% chance to escape with his life,and that the 50% to come from him, and to my joy he was strong enough to overcome the critical night.
Now will come maaany days of treatment and probably surgery for broken jaw in three places, he can't be feed just with liquid Sad , has two broken ribs and broke his nose in one side, a problem with his right leg( is not broken, but he isn't moveing it) and we will see if there are other problems

Si cont pt cei care doresc sa ajute :

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19031118661768471406910

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19741918661830138067410

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19935718661778471405910

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19599218661848471398910

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 18473018661834471400310

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 18883818661789804738110

Si un filmulet:
And a movie:!/video/video.php?v=186628988046272

feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Dum Mar 20, 2011 11:56 pm


feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Lun Mar 21, 2011 12:12 am

15 martie:

Motanelul s-a ridicat Smile, e putin mai bine
He stands Smile
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01160x

Abia mancase, Vyo veterynary, pt recuperare rapida
He just ate Smile
Vyo veterinary to recover faster
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19917118722858465297910

Va arata mai bine in cateva zile
He will look better in a few days
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 18940418722866131963810

Incearca sa mearga
he is trying to walk
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19774118722876465296110

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina 19822618722887465295010


feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Lun Mar 21, 2011 12:21 am

16 martie:
Chiar a reusit sa stea in picioare
He is realy stending
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01180u

Se alinta Smile, am avut voie sa-l alintam si sa-l luam in brate
He was cuddeling Smile, we were aloued to spoil and hold him Smile
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01183r

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01182p


feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Lun Mar 21, 2011 12:36 am

Cand va fii pregatit sa fie externat micutul Norocel(Lucky) asa a fost botezat , va pleca direct acasa Smile
Viitoare lui mamaica la vizitat la cabinet, dupa cum vedeti a intragit-o din prima Smile
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01201ln

Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01202zp


feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

Mesaj  linuta21 Lun Mar 21, 2011 12:46 am

18 martie
Norocel e acasa Smile
Lucky is home Smile
Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Dsc01226mc


feminin Pesti Mesaje : 296
Puncte de merit : 5427
Reputatie : 0
Data nasterii : 21/02/1985
Data de inscriere : 15/11/2010
Varsta : 39
Localizare : Brasov

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Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina Empty Re: Another Tomcat hit by car / Alt motanel lovit de masina

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